How it works for Nonprofits

The goal of Impact 100 is to fund projects with a high potential for community impact. To achieve this, we have a unique approach to providing the funding needed to achieve that goal:

Each year, we pool the funds contributed by our members—-$1000 per member—-to determine the final grant amount

1. We announce the final grant amount in May of each year and solicit applications from nonprofits that fall into one of the following categories:

  • Art & Culture

  • Education

  • Environment, Preservation & Recreation

  • Family

  • Health & Wellness

Focus Areas.png

2. During May/June, nonprofits are required to attend one of our RFA workshops to help ensure that the parameters of the grant are understood and incorporated into the proposal.

3. Grant applications are accepted through the end of June.

4. During July and August, applications are reviewed by a committee assigned to each category, with an emphasis on the alignment of the grant amount to the impact of the initiative. Site visits are often requested to further assess the potential impact of the grant.

5. One finalist from each category is selected by the committee in September each year, and announced by October 1st.

6. Each of the five finalists present their proposal to the entire membership of Impact100 during a meeting in October. The membership votes during that meeting and the recipient of the grant is announced right then and there!

Start your application now!